

Number System Worksheet

Numbers System: Binary/Denary/Hexa-Decimal

1. Write the acronym for BIT


2. Why does microprocessor chop down instructions in 4-Bits


3. What is the maximum number formed in 4-bits


4. How to bring the number back to its base. E.g. if the number is 3 you are to represent the number in binary.


5. How do you grade binary notation?


6. How does binary number represent in memory?


7. How to form decimal number from binary?


8. What is meant by binary string?



9. What are the bases of the following numbers systems binary, octal, hexa and decimal



10. What is the range of digits operated in binary, decimal, octal and hexa?


11. Fill in the values of hexa-decimal equivalent to binary and decimal


12. If you have 1711 bits, how many bytes do you have?





13. If you have 6KB, how many bits do you have?





14. What is LSB/D? Write its acronym as well.



15. Can it be increased to get the maximum number?



16. What is MSB/D? Write its acronym as well.



17. Can it be increased to get the maximum number?



18. Which sequence to follow to fill in binary numbers in binary string [right to left or left to right] and why?





19. What is sign bit?



20. What is 1’s complement?



21. What is 2’s complement?


22. To get 1’s complement, here is the binary number 1010101101011. Change this binary number into 1’s complement.

Change to 1’s complement:
Original Number: 1010101101011
1’s complement:


23. To get 2’s complement, here is the binary number. First you have to change it to 1’s complement then change to 2’s complement. Here is the binary string 110111001010011.

Change to 2’s complement:
Original Number: 110111001010011
1’s complement:


Addition of 1: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2’s complement: ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Filed Under: Numbers System-BDH

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User Type: Tutor  Verified
Name: Sabihuddin
Uploaded Date: Dec 23,2015

About The Author

I am an IT Professional with rich experience of Programming languages such as Java/C#/C/C++ and website development. I have also gained teaching experience of O/AS/A level computer science and AICT. I have been working on Computer Applications on Java with Edupedia World. I also worked .... Read More
